CEM Senior Officials Meeting | Rio de Janeiro 20-22 March 2023


Biofuture Platform is thrilled to be part of the CEM Senior Officials’ Meeting, taking place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from the 20th to the 22th of March 2023. On this occasion, the CEM Biofuture Platform Initiative and the related Biofuture Campaign will host two side events.

The first event will consist of an Initiative workshop for country representatives to reflect on ongoing work and to prepare for CEM14.

The second event will aim to explore and develop interest in cross-cutting work on Future Fuels, including Ammonia, Hydrogen, and Low-Emissions Renewable Hydrocarbons. Broad participation will be sought across a range of CEM Initiatives and MI Missions, such as CCUS, Hydrogen, Industry, Net Zero Shipping, SAF, Biorefineries, etc.


The purpose of this event is for the Biofuture Platform Initiative to hold an in-person working session meant to enable setting priorities and taking decisions regarding the 2023 – 2024 workstream.

Session 1 will enable the BIOFUTURE Initiative to review progress by its 5 workstreams and to consider what to prioritize for the remainder of 2023. Considerable attention will be paid to preparations for side events to be held at CEM14.

Session 2 will be a working session focused on the future of fuels. A key consideration of the Biofuture Platform is how much biomass can be used sustainably for the just Energy Transition and how to account for competing demands for this biomass. This session will consider recent analysis of the limited availability for fats, oils, and greases to be feedstocks for renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), and marine fuels. Biofuture Platform Initiative members will consider government interventions to optimize the use of fats, oils, and greases, and ways to bring additional feedstocks online.


This event will consider how the Clean Energy Ministerial can enable cross-cutting work across multiple CEM initiatives and related Mission Innovation initiatives.  Specifically, it will be investigated how the Biofuture Platform Initiative, CCUS Initiative, Hydrogen Initiative, the Mission Innovation Zero Emission Shipping initiative, MI Biorefineries Mission, and MI ISAF Mission can enable increased production and use of renewable fuels across its many potential uses. Future production of renewable natural gas, renewable liquid fuels, hydrogen, and ammonia will require inter-connected production and delivery logistics. This event will explore roles that the CEM and MI can play to enable productive government interventions to reduce barriers to the sustainable production and use of renewable, low-carbon fuels.
