The mission of the Workstream on Biomass Quantification and Sustainability Governance – aka the Sustainability Workstream – is to promote an evidence-based understanding of sustainable biomass production and use. The scope includes all potential sustainable biomass supplies. And the desired outcomes are
- Ensure appropriate roles for sustainable biomass to help achieve net zero and climate-smart development goals
- Reduce sustainability risks for biomass production and use
- Increase recognition that biomass is the foundation for more sustainable, inclusive, and circular economies
The TAG (Technical Advisory Group to Biofuture Sustainability Workstream) has provided input on strategies and practical steps to help increase understanding and confidence in sustainable biomass production and use. The resources produced as a result of this collaboration may be under “Dissemination materials” on this page.
Technical Advisory Group to Biofuture Sustainability Workstream (TAG)
The TAG provides guidance and feedback on workstream activities which include initiatives to expand outreach to stakeholders and to develop collaborations with partners and governments that
- Promote best practices in sustainability governance and regulation
- Facilitate innovation in bioeconomy policy and financing
- Reduce uncertainty surrounding investments in sustainable biomass production and use
The aim of the TAG is to engage international and national stakeholders and decision makers across the biomass and bioenergy supply.
TAG members are active and influential leaders in bioenergy industry, research, policy, and academics that have a documented record of engagement. The TAG brings a diversity of perspectives and expertise to the development of evidence to address uncertainties about contributions of biomass to sustainable development and climate change mitigation, and thus reduces risks for investors, bio-project developers, policy makers, and other stakeholders.
Under Chatham House Rules, the TAG meets periodically to provide guidance for Biofuture Initiative plans and identifies best practices to provide sustainable biomass feedstocks and de-risk development of for advanced materials and fuels.
TAG Roles and Responsibilities
TAG roles and responsibilities comprise the following
- Ensure stakeholder outreach and representation
- Support activities and review draft products
- Identify feedstock sustainability issues and help shape strategies to address them
- Provide strategic guidance on multi-stakeholder engagement activities
TAG Expertise

Members of the TAG have expertise related to sustainable biomass production and use in diverse regions across the globe. Blue shading indicates TAG expertise in that geographic area; darker shading signifies that multiple TAG members report expertise in that area. [Fig. last update July, 2022]
TAG expertise spans five continents, including members from
- Industry
- Finance
- Research institutes
- National decision makers