PART 1: Report on Carbon Accounting in Policies for Biofuels and Bio-based Products
As a starting point to guide the following discussions, a report will be prepared documenting the different methods and approaches used to assess Life Cycle carbon intensity of biobased fuels.
Focus will be on approaches applied or required by different regulatory frameworks and standards (ICAO-CORSIA, EU-RED, Brazil-RenovaBio, US- GREET model and RFS, California-CARB, Canada’s Fuel LCA Model and CFR, among others) with a summary to clearly illustrate the differences in approaches and implications for producers.
The objectives of this action are:
- To provide clarity on the methodologies that are used in current regulations in different
countries, highlighting the differences in approaches and their impact - To guide informed discussions about potential harmonization needs
- To identify the main issues that need to be taken into consideration or developed, that are
related to carbon intensity accounting in transport - To identify the main guidelines and recommendations for future regulations
The work, which will run from January to May, will be performed by an external experienced contractor.
The list of activities identified for the work are the following:
- Design of the scope of work.
- Informational and preparatory meetings with Campaign and TAG.
- First draft of the report (external consultor) –> 30 April.
- Sharing of the report for comments with Action Team, Core group members, Campaign and TAG.
- Presentation of results in Workshop at ETWG3 Brazil Belo Horizonte, 26-27 May
*(see also Part 2 below). - Final report, including feedback and conclusions from workshop –> 30 June 2024.
The deliverable will be a report that will include two parts:
- A mapping of existing regulations based on methodologies that include carbon accounting or carbon intensity, including what approaches are most often being used in practice and why, what models they are based on, what do they include, main assumptions.
- Conclusions from the discussion of the mapping: what are the key limitations that arise in fulfilling regulatory requirements, what differences in approaches generate the largest sources of variability and uncertainty in CI results, what are the main issues or impacts around carbon accounting in bioeconomy that still need to be addressed. Main guidelines on LCA methods and approaches and recommendations for future regulations.
PART 2: Workshop to discuss results from reports produced in Part 1 and to recommend practical way forward.
- Coordinate with Brazil to plan and host technical side event (workshop) – possibly in
conjunction with the ETWG meeting late May (Jan-Feb). - Invite stakeholders from government, industry and NGOs (Feb-Mar).
- Present and discuss results from consultant report(s) (o/a May 24-25).
- Develop proposed way forward focusing on consistent, transparent, evidence- based
accounting method that is practical and verifiable. - Develop draft summary workshop report with policy recommendations for CEM15.
- Share draft summary report for comments with Action Team, Core group, Campaign, TAG
members (June) – Revise with input from stakeholders (July) and approval by AMG (AugSept). - Publication in the webpage (workshop to follow, covered in part 2 of the task) and
presentation as policy brief for CEM15.